Water Quality Laboratory Analyst Exam (WQE)

By Tina - August 20, 2016

Today I took the American Water Works Association California-Nevada Water Quality Laboratory Analyst Exam (Level 1). 

I thought the exam went better than expected. I was very concerned that the test would be painfully difficult, since I had little time to prepare and I didn't have all the resources to study (some of the textbooks are ridiculously expensive and I couldn't find all the recommended references). There isn't a good water core standard available either, which was the biggest reason for my examination worry. The Water Quality Exam page provides a general lab need to know criteria... but it's not super helpful and the ABC peeps are just like dude just know everything!!!!!!! ...Wah cry that's sooooo much...!!!! 

But the exam wasn't that bad! There were about 20 questions of the 100 question exam that I flat out didn't know. (Protip: Know the super specifics of the coliform stuff...) However even with a 20 point deduction, I think I answered enough questions correctly to pass. I won't know my test results until the end of September ... my water future will be snail mailed to me then so please keep your fingers crossed for me!!!! 

Anyway, if you are planning on taking the exam, I am your best friend now. Below are links to the online resources that I found... yes so convenient for U!

Title 40, 136
Title 40, 433
Title 40, 261
Title 29, Chapter 17, Part 1910
(^^ to be honest I did not have the time to look through the government regulation codes from the links above)
Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories
Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater

I also ended up buying four reference books as well.

I bought Maria Csuros' Environmental Sampling and Analysis for Technicians and Environmental Sampling and Analysis Lab Manual. If you only have the budget to buy one of the two texts, I recommend purchasing the lab manual (for Level 1 WQE at least).

I also bought Principles and Practices of Water Supply Operations: Water Quality and its accompanying student workbook. The textbook proved to be quite useful but the student workbook is the worst. Don't buy it.

UPDATE: My exam results arrived (super early) and I passed. Hooray! ^_^

Image source: http://envirotestkits.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/certified-lab-hybrid-testing.png, http://www.ppic.org/content/images/GirlDrinkingFromWaterFountain.jpg

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