Red Rising book review

By Tina - February 04, 2016

I was told to read the book Red Rising. I did not do that for a long time. Then I was given the book electronically (via Amazon- just letting you know I didn't steal) so now I have to (because of the guilt and prodding from the gift giver).

Well, I read it last night. All in one go too, meaning that it was a fast read, which is nice, because I'm not a fan of slow paced books. Slow books are slow because they are boring. But eh, I thought the book was just okay. The genre (science fiction) I guess isn't really my thing..?


Quick summary: Red Rising, a book by Pierce Brown, follows a very ordinary boy in a dystopian society situation. This boy has a lot of teenage angst because he works in a hole and his lady is progressive and too cryptic and ends up dead. Now the boy is a super hero guy who becomes unbelievably awesome at too many things after a stay at a plastic surgery ring (cue training montage) so he can eventually venture deeper into the belly of the beast by participating in a legit Hunger Games to make war and save his people in the 2nd or 3rd installment.

Yea, I dunno. The novel could have been very epic and amazing and left me going WOW THAT WAS AWESome. But it didn't. I think a big reason for this is just because I didn't believe in the main character. The way he was portrayed just didn't seem like he would be doing anything except working in holes. I also did not find the description of his lady all that great.  All she did was confuse the main guy. She wasn't very convincing with whatever her beliefs were which made me annoyed that she randomly went all martyr-y. I would much rather prefer her to be a Lady Macbeth type who abuses the guy to do crazy things (instead of confusing the guy to do crazy things) because then it's more cut in stone that yes we should hate her lol. But I think the biggest reason why I'm not impressed is 'cause of the whole Hunger Games barbarous situation the book got going on. It was excessive and for the most part, pointless (totally my opinion, the gift giver insisted that the murder-y student gang fight system that goes on is imperative to the story).

But don't get me wrong, I think the writing is fine. And the book did entertain. I just wasn't feeling it. Maybe if I was more of a sci-fi nut, I would like the book a little more.

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