Ingrid Michaelson concert

By Tina - November 01, 2016

I went to see Ingrid Michaelson with my sister last week in DTLA. The ticket times were misprinted so we arrived at the venue way too early. To pass the time, my trendy sister took me to a very swanky bakery+restaurant where I had the best lemon tart ever.


If you have $15 to spare and would like to eat a single serving dessert, Bottega Louie deserves a visit at least once. 

My sister ordered a Saint Honore, which is a puff pastry base topped with candied cream puffs and chestnut cream. I've never had chestnut cream and it was insane how good it was. The cream was rich and thick and it almost tasted like a custard. I thought that the cream had a custard base, but all the recipes I found on google do not point to the thick eggy pastry cream roots. Anyway, chestnut cream is amazingly delicious and I plan on making it as a filling for cakes or something for Christmas. 

The sugar high certainly helped with the concert timing mishap disappointment and so my sister and I walked back to the venue about 40 minutes after doors open. 

The concert was held at a seated venue at the ACE Hotel. The seats were nice and plushy and there was enough elbow and leg room for some head bobbing and feet jiggling. The marquee and lobby area looks exactly like all the other theaters down the streets of LA so that got a little confusing. 

I wanted to get a photo of the marquee spelling out Ingrid Michaelson or something related to the night but alright whatever this is fine too.
I find that most theaters are designed in a super creepy way with old chandeliers and way too much velvety things.
The view from our seats wasn't the best but I am not complaining because complaining does not solve anything. Throwing money at the problem would do it though.

The opener for the night was a brother trio named AJR. The band name is a combination of all their first initials. They had some catchy tunes, but I didn't really care for them. 

The highlight of the night (as it should be) was definitely seeing Ingrid Michaelson and her band perform. They are a talented group with a great sense of humor. 

Ingrid Michaelson has made a ton of albums and she recently released a new one called It Doesn't Have to Make Sense, which my sister and I do not know too well (I do have a CD of hers- Lights Out which I love). But that was okay! Her set list pretty much included all of her popular hits so that was very nice of her.

Anyway I had a very fun night and I would totally recommend catching her live.

Also I realize blog posts about concerts are probably the most boring to read about. And they are not very fun to write about either. I only do it because I spent the money on tickets and I want documentation I did these things...

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