Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ book review

By Tina - August 24, 2015

Ever since reading Guila Ender's Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ, I have been pretty obsessed with my bowel movements and also I am way more conscious of salivating. 

This was a good read. The pace is very fast, and I didn't feel boggled down and overwhelmed with the scientific terms (all the science stuff sounded very credible... but I did no research to confirm the facts Ender wrote about). Also I liked the pictures.

The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 describes gut basics. I learned that it is very good to squat when pooping. Part 2 covers the gut in relation to the nervous system. And I learned that rabbits cannot vomit. I will bring this nugget of knowledge to the dinner table tonight. And Part 3 is focused on the itty bitty microbes in the tummy. I learned that if you do plan on eating a lot of raw egg whites (I once made triple layer mousse and felt very conflicted about using all those raw egg whites), you should take in more Vitamin H. Vitamin H is an avidin neutralizer. And avidin is a toxin found in raw eggs.

IMAGE SOURCE: The front page cover of Guila Ender's book. Illustrations by Jill Enders

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  1. I did not know that raw eggs had toxins, I only knew that there was a risk of contracting salmonella.

  2. Your triple layer mousse was bomb-diggity!

    I am also obsessed with many gut disorders (and other disorders too) like Crohn's disease. I am very fascinated by the lives of people who have to live with colostomy bags and stuff ... It's so interesting and inspirational reading about how different people cope with their health struggles...
