Counting Crows concert

By Tina - October 04, 2015

I went to another concert Friday (10/2) to see Counting Crows. The venue was at the Verizon Amphitheater (now renamed Irvine Meadows). 

The venue is very big and requires a bit of walking before getting to the stage, this sign is just a little beyond the entrance with maybe another five minute walk before reaching the stage

Citizen Cope (Clarence Greenwood) was the opener. He was good. But I wasn't too familiar with his music so him playing didn't really make a big deal to me. His music is bluesy and he is super laid back so if you were sitting in the way back (which we were), the concert got a little boring. 

Bad photo of Citizen Cope
Counting Crows was also a little boring to watch live. The music sounded great. But it just felt like nothing really happened. The band played songs from each album, which is good. And they covered a few hits, which the audience always appreciates. But yea, they were really boring to watch live. I think that the problem was their set list- everything they played eventually sounded the same. 
Bad photo of Counting Crows

My favorite song of the night from them is Possibility Days. And my favorite song of theirs of all time is Big Yellow Taxi. I don't know if they got to play it though, my friend and I left a little early.


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