Gimme a pizza that biscuit

By Tina - October 07, 2015

Grands! Pilsbury biscuit dough (the canned stuff) happened to be on sale at Albertson's. I bought a bunch and I decided to make pizza biscuits over the weekend. I made a few variations of pizza biscuits, but the base is the same.

1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or spray with cooking spray (parchment paper is expensive so it's smart to invest in buying a silicone mat... they're great! Although I haven't used my silicone mat in awhile... it's somewhere...). 
2. Sprinkle some semolina flour on the lined sheet. This adds a sort of rustic Italian pizza charm to the canned biscuit crust (but who are we kidding, it will still taste like biscuit dough from a can with pizza toppings so you can skip this step).
3. Now pop open a can of Grands! Pilsbury biscuit dough (or any brand of biscuit can) and roll it out until flat. I like to roll mine out to about a quarter of an inch in thickness.
In this variation, I made a bacon onion jam using bacon, onion, honey, smoked paprika, red chili flakes, and ketchup. I then spooned the jam onto the flattened biscuit dough and covered the mini pizzas with provolone cheese before baking. 
For this variation, I drizzled olive oil over the dough and then added sliced romatoes (what I call roma tomatoes) and smashed roasted garlic cloves. Then I spooned a little bit of some store bought pizza sauce before adding a couple of fresh basil leaves. I topped it off with mozzarella cheese and baked the biscuits per can instructions.
Here I topped sundried tomatoes and smashed roasted garlic cloves onto the biscuit dough. And then I added a slice of provolone cheese and baked. Afterwards I topped the pizza with prosciutto, fresh arugula, and a honey balsamic syrup. 


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